Thursday, September 19, 2019

White teeth matter. No one likes an individual with dark teeth. Dark teeth signify lack of care. They show inattentiveness to oral health. And they indicate a lack of hygiene… Don’t be that person. Keep your teeth white at all times. And encourage your family to do the same. Below, we’ll help you make that […]

#1 – Make Tooth Brushing Easy.

We won’t ask you to ask brush many times a day. You should be doing that by now…
It’s also obvious and cliché advice.
The average person should brush 2-3 times/day (after waking up, and big meals).
But what you should do is ease the process. You shouldn’t feel lazy when it’s time for your routine brushes.
It should be easy. And you do so by…
(A) Timing Meals & Dental Care.
Set an alarm. Specify certain times of the day to eat. And make sure they’re for dental care too…
You need a large time window for both. You shouldn’t feel rushed eating/cleaning, especially before getting back to work.
The alarm always reminds you of dental care. It’s an accountability partner that’s reliably in your pocket.
(B) Take Your Dental Products Outdoors.
Always carry a small bag with you. Include your brush, toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss.
Do so especially for work. After all, you spend most of your day there. And that’s where most of you dental care happens.
If you have children, encourage them to do the same at school. Encourage them to brush during break times.

#2 – Control Your Diet.

Some foods/drinks destroy your teeth fast. They do so by staining or corroding.
You should cut your consumption of them. And this doesn’t mean avoidance. But, we encourage minimal consumption.
We also recommend you brush immediately afterwards.
Coffee & Tea.
The biggest two culprits.
Both stain teeth quick. That’s because they’re sticky (coffee especially), so they quickly form plaque layers.
And both are consumed frequently. People often drink multiple cups throughout the day.
If you’d like to use them beyond morning hours, be sure to brush soon after.
Another major contributor to yellow teeth.

#3 – Frequent Checkups.

Sometimes, artificial intervention is the best way to whiten teeth.
A dentist helps with that. They have the experience to whiten your teeth, at low costs, and with excellent products.

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