1. Bathrooms – Germs are not just limited to the four corners of your bathroom, in fact, the surrounding areas of the bathroom door, or window, can be equally contaminated. Simply cleaning your bathroom is never enough, use bleach or chlorine to clean the surfaces.
2. Switches – What’s the first thing that you do when you reach home? Switch on the lights? Now what you’re doing isn’t wrong, but that’s the reason why switches have a relatively higher germ count than the other household items. Disinfect your switches on a daily basis to avoid germ build-up.
3. Doorknobs and Handles – The switches might be the first thing inside your home, but before you enter, the germs on your hand come in contact with the doorknobs and handles, making them the most contaminated part of the house. Hence it is important to clean the knobs daily when cleaning your home.
4. Kitchen Sink – It is no surprise that the place where you wash your dishes will be one of the most contaminated places in the house. Instead of using a sink, it is a good idea to disinfect the sink on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
5. Refrigerator – And last but not the least, storing raw meat and vegetables which usually contains germs makes your refrigerator another hotspot for harmful germs. Hence try to clean once in a week to avoid germ contact.