Thursday, December 13, 2018

Wrinkles of expression, decryption of these first signs of age

Expression lines are the first signs of age. They result from a contraction of the muscles of the face and skin aging. Natural process, they attenuate themselves with appropriate gestures and treatment. Decryption. 

Wrinkles of expression: apparition

Expression lines embody the first signs of age. These first wrinkles result from a process of skin aging and muscle contraction. The skin loses its elasticity and relaxes, the furrows deepen and leave deep and visible marks. Expression lines are the result of a tic as explained by dermatologist Nadine Pomarède: "It is an excess of contraction of certain facial muscles. Frown, raised eyebrows, forced smile. Without being hereditary, we find expression lines in the family of people who have the same type of contraction. Stress situations can accentuate this "tick". As women's skin is thinner, some may develop expression lines as early as age 20 if they tend to wrinkle too much.

Wrinkles of expression: localization 

Crow's feet on the temples, lion's wrinkle between the two eyes or solar wrinkles around the mouth, wrinkles of expression are localized naturally to places that produce mimicry that expresses emotions. A worried look is the eyes that contract, the enthusiasm and it is a beautiful smile that appears, the concentration or the stress and it is the forehead that is gathered. Expression lines appear in vertical lines between the two eyes and around the mouth. On the forehead they appear in horizontal lines, sometimes superimposed. Natural process, expression wrinkles play on the clear air. If the expression lines of the smile or crow's feet give a happy look, others sometimes close the face.

Ideally, it is better to treat them young, when they are not yet installed too much, they will be easier to erase and especially we can hope to fade them as and treatments" explains the expert. Side treatment precisely, the first care to provide is "a good hydration of the area, taking into account its skin type (the front is a very rich area sebaceous glands). If we often talk about natural methods like facial gymnastics , Nadine Pomarède says: "Facial gymnastics is very complicated in this area. The massage that induces a relaxation can attenuate forehead wrinkles for the next few days but not really longer "and continue:" The only effective and safe technique is the injection of botulinum toxin (Botox®). 

Injected into the muscles responsible for the wrinkle, the toxin induces a targeted muscular relaxation and an anti-aging effect.
To know about botulinum toxin injection:

  • it is a resorbable and non-allergenic product, used for many years in aesthetic medicine
  • the results must be natural, to give a good-looking effect, without being fixed.
  • the results of the injection are not visible immediately: they appear gradually within 15 days; a control visit two weeks later makes it possible to adjust the necessary result.
  • the results of the injection last on average 6 months; two injections per year. If they have been made early in life, when wrinkles are not yet truly established, one can lose the habit of frowning or raising the eyebrows excessively. "
NB: it should be noted that the choice to reduce expression lines is personal. To consider the most appropriate treatment, it is necessary to seek the advice of an expert. In addition, the injection of Botox® is contraindicated for pregnant women as well as those who are breastfeeding. People undergoing medical treatment or suffering from any pathology are invited to refer to the opinion of the expert they have chosen to consult.

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