Tuesday, December 18, 2018

3 techniques to have long eyelashes

Taking care of your eyelashes is a less common ritual than taking care of your nails or hair. And yet, it is a great natural and effective alternative to applying a mascara to have long lashes! Discover three sure-fire ways to help your lashes stretch out smoothly.

Care for eyelashes: chamomile flowers

If you are used to preparing infusions, this method is for you!

Prepare a classic infusion of chamomile flowers, and let it warm so as not to burn your eyelids. Dip a cotton disc into the brew, and gently dab your lashes with this disc every morning on waking and every night before going to bed.

The results will be seen from three to four weeks!

Care for eyelashes: olive oil or castor oil

Before going to sleep, take a cotton swab and drop a few drops of olive oil or castor oil to your choice. Apply the soaked cotton swab to your eyelashes without rinsing. When waking up, clean the excess olive oil or castor oil with a towel or cotton disc.

This technique is an excellent care for the eyelashes since it contributes at the same time to lengthen them and to reinforce them thanks to the moisturizing power of the oil!

Eyelash care: homemade juices

If you own a blender or blender at home, you probably know that you can make fresh fruit juices and homemade smoothies. On the other hand, what you may not know is that some fruit juices have the ability to lengthen your lashes  !

Compose your special eyelash fruit juice by mixing in a blender three carrots and two oranges, until you obtain a fruit juice . This mixture will be perfect to consolidate the growth of your eyelashes . Drink each morning before going about your daily business.

The trick in addition: do not hesitate to add the juice of a lemon or a teaspoon of pollen flowers to give you even more energy at the same time!

And you, do you know other care for eyelashes intended to lengthen them naturally? Share your tips in the comments!

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