Tuesday, June 18, 2019

It is a name that we see constantly on sun protection, or sometimes on some cosmetics and care. But what is the SPF and what is its role? We explain everything to you.

Several levels of SPF

The acronym SPF stands for 'Sun Protector Factor', Its role is to measure the level of sun protection of a product and its effectiveness against UVB. They are responsible for burns and sunburns that damage the skin and can cause illness. Caution: SPFs do not measure protection against UVA, also very bad for the epidermis.

There are four levels of protection: a very high one that corresponds to a SPF 50+, a high (SPF 50 to 30), average (from 25 to 15) and low (from 6 to 10). It's up to you to choose the right one for your needs (if you are at the beach, on vacation, in city) and your skin.

What SPF for my skin?

Everyone does not react in the same way to the sun's radiation: there are 6 different phototypes. The higher it is, the less the skin is dull: it will be less sensitive to UVB and therefore less prone to sunburn. But that does not mean that she does not need to be protected!

It is advisable to use adequate protection. For phototypes 1 and 2, that is to say people with light or very light skin with light brown hair, blond or red, a 50 index sunscreen is recommended. It is also important to limit the exposure time to the maximum because the skin tends to burn very easily.

If your skin is clear, but you are gradually tanning (phototype 3), you can use a care SPF 50 or 30. Your tan easily takes or you have the skin dull (other phototypes)? Apply high or medium protection. It should be repeated every two hours and avoid exposure to the hottest hours (between 11h and 16h).

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