Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Playing sports would have anti-aging effects

It's no secret that physical activity helps maintain your line. But not only. According to a recent study published by the British magazine Science Advance , playing sports would directly affect our immune cells and fight against the aging process.
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"Young cells are a guarantee of good health," says Anabelle Decottignies, a doctor of pharmacy and professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. "If your health is more fragile when you get older, it's because your immune cells are aging too. It's the same for the brain, whose functions are disrupted with age. "
For the purposes of the study, Anabelle Decottignies and her team asked ten volunteers to cycle for 45 minutes. They performed a muscle biopsy before and after the workout. It turned out that the exercise stimulated the NRF1 gene that is directly linked to telomeres, a kind of small biological clocks at the end of our DNA. When these telomeres are in good shape, our DNA and cells remain young. When they are damaged, the cells age. And while playing sports, we could produce protective molecules of these famous telomeres.
Be careful though, not all physical activities are equal! In bodybuilding exercises, prefer a good jogging or a cardio course. Nothing better to start the day and preserve its youth capital.

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