Monday, December 24, 2018

The blackheads 5 natural tips to get rid of

The blackheads, those unbearable blackheads that appear when the pores are clogged, are the nightmare of many of us. How to get rid easily without leaving an unsightly scar? At a glance 5 natural tips to knock them out.

We avoid fiddling with his blackheads
First gesture to avoid black spots, we stop systematically fiddling with imperfections, otherwise they could turn into acne pimples and multiply them. And of course, if you touch his blackheads, make sure to wash your hands before!

We use (correctly) a Comedone extractor
This tool may seem obsolete but, well used, it is very effective! It is a mini-spoon pierced with a hole, which is easily found in pharmacy, press on the black dot. It is this pressure that makes it possible to remove the contents of the "plug". The accumulated sebum then comes to spread in the spoon.

Cosmetic removers are replaced by gentle cleaners

To avoid attacking your skin, it is necessary to renew its products with soft cosmetics.
To clean, organic gels or milks without soap or surfactants are preferred and the alcoholic tonic lotions are replaced by hydrolats (floral waters) of lavender or rosemary.
As for the scrubs, we forget the grains and we put everything on enzymatic peels, without grains, based on fruit acid.
As a general rule, cosmetics labeled "non-comedogenic" are preferred, in which most comedogenic substances are prohibited.

We have a "facial sauna"
To dilate the pores and facilitate the extraction of blackheads, the "facial sauna" is ideal.

Step by step for a "facial sauna": in a saucepan filled with two liters of water, place a handful of fresh mint, bring to a boil then reduce the heat and let simmer about 10 minutes. Pour the hot water into a salad bowl and add a few slices of lemon. Repeat these fumigations up to twice a week. Stand about 30 centimeters above the surface of the water and cover your head with a towel. V

You can then remove the black dots by wrapping your fingers in tissue paper.Disinfect with an antiseptic solution and dab imperfections with hazelnut vegetable oil mixed with tea tree essential oil, an Australian tree.

We manufacture a homemade anti-black dots paste
To unclog pores, we make a homemade paste.

DIY homemade black dough paste: mix a white egg with flour. Twist until you get a paste and apply on the blackheads .

When the dough has fully hardened, rinse with clear water.

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