Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Whatever the season, we happen to suffer from a drop in fitness during the day. Traits drawn, yawning untimely, digestion difficult ... You necessarily know these signs of temporary tiredness! Before thinking about drug treatments, try to make good everyday habits that will make a difference. Here are five anti-fatigue tips that will get you back on your feet!

1. Hydrate in sufficient quantity

Regular dehydration greatly increases the level of fatigue, causes headaches and affects mood. In the event of a fatigue stroke, the water reactivates the body and wakes up the brain. To be in shape in the morning, swallow a glass of water on an empty stomach. Also remember to drink regularly throughout the day, to reach the recommended 2 liters of water a day.

2. Sleep more ... and better!

Sleeping well is one of the main keys to fighting fatigue. The first step is to make sure that you sleep enough: the number of hours of sleep needed for a good shape varies from person to person.

In general, an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. No matter how many hours you need, some rules do not change: avoid electronic devices in the evening and prefer reading or meditation at bedtime. This will help you fall asleep.

Also try to go to bed and get up at fixed times: this will make your awakenings, which will be much more natural! A simple way to improve your sleep

3. Enjoy the benefits of micro-napping

When a dieting occurs during the day, do not hesitate to resort to the benefits of micro-nap. What is it about ?

A few minutes of "cerebral pause", the neck rested and eyes closed, keeping a slow and steady breathing. We do not really sleep, but we decompress! These breaks are very beneficial and allow to resume the thread of his day in better shape.

Another possibility and anti-fatigue tip : the "real" nap. But beware, no more than 20 minutes!Otherwise you will start a deeper sleep cycle and you will find it hard to feel awake afterwards.

4. Practice a regular sport activity

It can not be repeated enough: playing sports helps to keep fit inside and out. Spending will improve the quality of your sleep, your mood (by stimulating different positive hormones), and your overall health. Energy assured!

And if you're not a big fan of intensive sports, there are many creative ways to play sports every day. For example, get off a station earlier on your transmission line to finish your journey on foot, leave the elevators for the steps (yes, even when your office is on the 6th floor!), Or make 5 minutes of skipping rope the morning.

5. Do not skip breakfast

Breakfast is a very important meal: after the night, our fasting body needs it. It is thanks to him that we start the day on the right foot and bypass the fatigue strokes until lunch.

Eating well in the morning improves physical and cerebral performance and thus helps to prevent attention loss, yawning and other signs of fatigue. In short, getting used to breakfast guarantees energetic days!

These anti-fatigue tips will help you feel better every day. Know that there are many others and that it is often enough to adjust your diet and lifestyle to fight fatigue in the long term! Other tips? Share them in comment!

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