Saturday, December 29, 2018

Acne : how to rebalance the skin

Acne is affecting more and more adult women. In a few years, it has even become one of the first reasons for consultation in dermato. Our advice to rebalance the skin without irritating it and to make disappear these imperfections.

Why do pimples sometimes occur in adulthood, how do you fight them most effectively and find a pretty skin? We tell you everything to fight the Acne !

What are the causes of adult acne?

Recent studies show that, in addition to stress, heredity, diet and hormonal imbalances, pollution is also responsible for fatter , brighterskin that is more prone to blackheads, microcysts and to acne . And this, even if we did not suffer from acne in adolescence. The main culprits are fine particles , such as lead, nitrous oxide or carbon monoxide, which has increased in the last five years by almost 8% in urban areas around the world. But endocrine disruptors are also implicated ...

And at the level of the face?

Pimples appear, type inflammatory acne. They are rather on the lower face. And especially on the chin, the maxillary, the neck and sometimes even on the neckline. The skin becomes more sensitive and tends to become dehydrated. Above all, these imperfections often leave traces: mini-scars in the form of red or brown spots, which no longer fade. From the forties, these brands are accompanied by a loss of radiance and firmness, wrinkles and fine lines.

The best assets against pimples?

To combat this late acne, creams and other serums contain targeted ingredients. Of zinc , for example, a dermatological reference asset, which has antibacterial properties, sebum-regulating and healing, or gluconolactone and niacinamide, anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating. Some treatments include glycolic or salicylic acid, whose "peeling" effect erases dead cells and reduces imperfections, eliminates comedones and refines dilated pores.

What's going on inside the skin?

Pollution not only helps to increase the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands, but also has an impact on the quality of sebaceous glands. Squalene, in particular, a lipid present in sebum, modifies its chemical composition when it is confronted with pollutants and ultraviolet rays (in particular UVA). It oxidizes rapidly, creating a favorable environment for P.acnes bacteria, but also for inflammation and proliferation of blackheads .

What reflexes to adopt against pimples?

Objective one: rebalance the skin without stripping or irritating it. With, as first reflex, cleaning the face twice a day. In the morning to wake up the epidermis and prepare it to receive anti-imperfections assets; in the evening, to eliminate anything that could obstruct the pores, such as traces of pollution, makeup, sebum, dust ... By choosing a soft foaming gel (without soap) or micellar water , which allows restore the pH of the skin at the same time.

How to limit the effects of pollution on the skin?

In the city, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors, it may be beneficial to use products that contain ingredients with antipollution action. By depositing a protective film, they trap the polluting particles, thus preventing them from being fixed on the surface of the skin. In the form of a light and invisible mist, to spray even over makeup, to reduce hyperseborrhoea and to fight against the oxidation of sebum (Aqua Urban, pollution defense haze Galénic, or Aqua Aeria, oxygenating botanical antipollution antipollution Sanoflore , for example).

What makeup against imperfections?

We must choose fluid and non-comedogenic textures to not aggravate the condition of the skin and avoid overlaying too many layers, as this may promote the appearance of pimples and comedones. In the morning, for example, it is quite possible to apply a fluid foundation and a powder or blush after the day cream, provided you choose non-comedogenic care.

And if acne persists?

You must consult a dermatologist. For mild to moderate acne, local treatment, based on benzoyl peroxide and retinoids, will generally be the most suitable, unless the rash is highly inflammatory. If this treatment is not enough, antibiotics (cyclins) orally can be prescribed as reinforcement. It is recommended to consult also his gynecologist, who may change the contraception if necessary . Oral isotretinoin remains an effective treatment, but it is reserved for severe acne and which pose a risk of scarring.

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